Unfit for publication

Table of Contents

I'm a scientist, and my primary job is to figure stuff out and write about it in scientific journals. Sometimes, journals won't print the stuff I figure out, and then I put it here instead.

Some older writings can be found here.

Digitalization is not a matter of degree

Digitalization is the process of automating information flows. This is not the same as merely using computerized tools to improve individual steps. The digitalization process is revolutionary, it introduces a completely different way of thinking, or what Kuhn's might have called a paradigm shift. Technologists often speak loudly and enthusiastically about digitalization, while the less technically inclined tend to listen with expressions of uncertainty and doubt. The latter group is right to worry, digitalization has dramatic consequences that are usually downplayed, ignored, or simply not considered at all. In digitalization comes to marine science, the nature of digitalization is examined, using examples from a familiar domain.

How to (not) evaluate scientific achievement

Scientist always try to measure and quantify everything. So what is more natural than to find a measure that can evaluate scientific achievement quantitatively? While there exists some commonly used metrics, a recent example demonstrates that these are easy to game, especially in today's publishing climate. A timely question might therefore be whether scientific evaluation is broken.


An overview of presentations I've given.

Author: Ketil Malde

Created: 2024-10-02 Wed 15:43
